My Portfolio

Showcase of my projects and abilities

My Name is Rituraj Kushwaha

I'm a 2021 computer science Undergraduate from International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur.
My fields of interest lie in software development and data science.

Web App for
Binary Classification

With large number of classifiers available in machine learning, it is often a tedious task for practioners to change values and statements in code in order to compare results of different classifiers. With the help of this web app one can change hyperparameters of different classifiers and compare their results.

Dashboard for Twitter
Sentiment Analysis

Companies often interact with their customers on Twitter through their feedback, so it is important that they analyze sentiment of their customors based on region, based on keywords of sentiment and their distribution. This web app helps by providing dashboard of sentiment analysis.

Cine-phile: A movie
streaming web page

With growing number of OTT platflorms and original contents, movie lovers often face the problems of overchoice. This webpage will help them to decide by showing trending movies and webseries on various famous platforms.

A voice enabled
Smart News App

With the availibility of overwhelming news website on various content, users often face difficulty in searching news from one website to another. This Smart News web app provides the user to search news of their choice through their voice interaction.

Web application for
Neural Style Transfer

Style transfer is a computer vision technique that allows us to recompose the content of an image in the style of another. If you’ve ever imagined what a photo might look like if it were painted by a famous artist, then style transfer is the technique that turns this into a reality.

Blockchain for

The traditional Healthcare record management systems had been very less efficient and less secure while using Blockchain technology to store Health record of the patient will ensure transparency, trust and data integrity.

Other Projects